Private School, Homeschool, or Public School? Rethinking Education in 2020
Every sector of society has been impacted by the fallout of COVID-19 and education is no exception. Forced to homeschool their children for over two months, with or without the direction of an online teacher, many parents are rethinking their educational options in 2020 as they contemplate what may be the best decision moving forward for their children.
Parents want their children to learn and experience success, both in the learning process and long after graduation. Which option gives my child the best chance for success? Which form of education best reflects the values of our family? As Christian parents, does the Bible give us any direction here?
For teachers asked to adapt and finish the year online, this has been a fascinating time to observe the learning process outside of their classrooms. Just as every student is unique, every home is a different context for learning, and while it has been difficult for teachers to determine the factors for student success, one feature has clearly surfaced for those paying careful attention.
The evidence suggests that students with parents who were both willing and able to view this time as a partnership with the child’s teacher and school, not only showed academic gains, but also demonstrated a growth in soft skills such as their attitude towards learning, time management, adult-interaction, and self-motivation. When children see their parents and teachers as partners in their education, this often gives them the confidence and security they need to learn through even the most uncertain of times.
The Bible makes it clear that God has given parents the responsibility for bringing up children in the knowledge and skills they need to be mature and fruitful Christians (Deut. 6, Psalm 78, Prov. 4, Eph. 6, Malachi 2). This is an awesome task and it takes maximum effort on the part of parents to accomplish. Most fail to understand how intense this training is to be and that we will be held accountable for the teaching that was given to our children. Pastor John Piper recently commented that the more complex, technological, diverse, and global the world becomes, the more parents will need to partner with others to fulfill their responsibilities for their own children…and as America becomes more pervasively secular and anti-Christian, both in worldview and on numerous moral and faith issues, the idea of partnering with public school teachers to accomplish biblical goals for our children becomes less feasible and in many cases, unthinkable.
Private Christian schools like MCS, exist to partner with families and churches in educating our children to become like Christ and fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. Even the homeschool program at MCS, called Independent Studies, is designed for partnership to best serve the family and child. COVID-19 has exposed the importance of our shared Christian values and our like understanding of both the parent’s and teacher’s role in the education of children. If this pandemic has caused you to rethink your educational options, make sure you clearly understand what God has to say about the matter and choose the plan that allows for a true partnership between your home and teacher. You will never regret this decision as there is no greater joy than knowing that your children are walking in the Truth.
Dr. Cy J. Smith, Superintendent